School Supplies
Grade 8 Literacy Supply List
Please try and have these items by September 18, 2023
Two (2) marble composition notebooks or 1 subject notebooks
1 Folder for ELA
The following writing utensils:
2 highlighters of different colors
2 packs of pens (blue or black)
1 pack of #2 pencils
1 colored pen (ex. purple, green etc.)
Pencil sharpener
1 pack of dry erase markers
1 package of loose-leaf
1 package of copy paper
Disinfectant Wipes
Hand Sanitizer
*No White Out, please**
**Students must also have an independent reading book with them every day.**
Grade 7 ELA Supply List
Earbuds/headphones (only to be worn in class when, and if, it is part of a lesson or an assessment.)
5 marble composition notebooks. One for each unit of study.
Black/blue pens, colored pens, or pencils, for grading
1 Pack of loose leaf paper
White printing paper for classroom printer- 1 Ream
2 folders for handouts
1 Hard plastic folder for student work portfolio
#2 pencils sharpened pencils and erasers for standardized testing
Materials for projects- construction paper, markers, crayons, and/or colored pencils
Glue stick , scissors
Pencil sharpener
Tissues, 2 boxes
Sanitizer wipes, for cleaning desks and hands
Paper towels
Post its
Computer mouse (optional)
Grade 6 Literacy and Social Studies Supply List
Please have all supplies by the first day of school
One weekly assignment pad or marble composition notebook to write down homework assignments for all classes
Four 2-pocket folders
One 5-Subject notebook (HARDCOVER, COLLEGE RULED) (Suggested Staples or 5-Star brand)
Three packages of loose leaf paper
Three packages of printer paper
One package of construction paper
One pack of index cards (size 3x5)
Three boxes of tissues
Two rolls of paper towels
Two clorox wipes
Headphones for student’s chrome book (NOT EARPODS)(NOT WIRELESS) to be kept in ELA/Social Studies Classroom
Soft Pencil Case
One pack of ASSORTED highlighters
Pack of post-its
Two packs of #2 pencils (not mechanical)
Color pencils or crayons
Two packs of pens, blue, or black only